We are working with Denise Baden, Professor of Sustainable Business at the University of Southampton, on a 12 month study to explore ways to reduce individual carbon and water footprints related to haircare routines. In particular, we will be looking at the effectiveness of mirror talkers - small messages on hairdresser mirrors - for engaging clients in conversations around sustainable haircare.

Participating salons and other hairdressing businesses will be given a selection of mirror talkers as well as instructions and training to take part in the study. Training will be based on Eco Hair and Beauty’s free Virtual Salon education programme (available HERE). Participating spaces will also be given unique QR code stickers so their clients can easily learn more about their participation in the study.
After a few weeks, we will contact hairdressers and a few willing clients to see how things are going. We will gather feedback by a mix of short interviews and possibly also a brief survey. We plan to write up what we have learned as a practical report which we will feed back to the rest of the hairdressing sector and also as a more academic article for a relevant journal.
We plan to celebrate the success of the project with a fun get together with food and wine where participants can share their experiences. We hope to record some of these testimonials and put together a brief video to share the opportunities that mirror talkers provide to educate clients and stylists about sustainable haircare practices that are great for hair condition, bills and the planet.
We will be sending out Participant Packages in February and training staff in March. All who take part in this study be credited for their contributions on our social media channels and, if they wish, will also be mentioned in the journal article. Those wishing to remain anonymous may do so.
To learn more about the study or to express your interest in taking part, get in touch with Stephanie at research@greensaloncollective.com.
Visit the Virtual Salon by Eco Hair and Beauty.
Visit Professor Baden’s University of Southampton profile to see her academic credentials