5 Tips for Reducing waste in your Hairdressing Salon │ Zero Waste Week 2024

5 Tips for Reducing waste in your Hairdressing Salon │ Zero Waste Week 2024

This week is Zero Waste Week so we wanted to share 5 top tips for reducing waste in your salon and helping your hairdressing business go green!

  • Go Paperless

By switching to email receipts and invoices, avoiding printing where possible, offering clients digital magazines instead of physical and encouraging clients to avoid using paper bags for retail, you can reduce the amount of paper and card being used in the salon!

For those hard to reduce items like supplier packaging and colour tube boxes, can you find a way to reuse them?

Some of our salons have used their colour tube boxes to fill with hair for clients to take home for their houseplants.

As a last resort, if you cannot reduce or reuse the paper and card, make sure it is recycled! We have a nationwide paper and plastic recycling service available here.

  • Recycle your Hair, Foil and Colour Tubes

One thing that's hard to reduce in your salon is the products needed for your services! These tend to generate the most waste in the salon, and include things like waste hair from clients, used foil and empty colour tubes. Whilst they might not be able to be reduced or reused in salon, they can be recycled with Green Salon Collective! 

Learn more by booking a call here.

  • Stop Wasting Colour

Our chemicals report revealed that a shocking 25% of the chemicals we use end up in landfills or waterways each year, amounting to over 600 tonnes of waste annually. To reduce your colour waste, start with an audit! Collect your colour waste to see how much you're actually wasting...and see the environmental and financial impact clearly. Once you can see the impacts of your waste, implement a colour saving software like SmartMix or Vish to reduce your waste and save your salon some £. For any colour waste, or colour contaminated items like gloves, make sure that they're disposed of responsibly. The best solution is a general waste to energy service, ensuring that nothing is going to landfill. We have a nationwide service available here.

  • Offer Clients Refills

Have you thought about offering clients product refills? This helps reduce the amount of single-use plastic being used, keeps the bottles in the circular economy for longer, gives your clients a product discount and promotes client loyalty! Learn more about offering refills in your hairdressing salon here.

  • Choose Reusables 

One way to reduce waste is to choose reusables in your salon! Instead of offering clients single-use coffee cups or water bottles, why not invest in reusable crockery? You can even go further and switch to reusable hairdressing gloves. Whilst hairdressing salons are somewhat limited by what they can reuse due to health and safety, why not have a look around your salon and see what your most common 'throwaway items' are and see if they have a reusable alternative?

 For Zero Waste Week, we're sharing top tips every day on our Instagram @greensaloncollective. Follow along there!

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